Tulsa International Airport


$ 25.00 USD
This ornament honors Tulsa's International Airport and recognizes Tulsa's vital role in the air and space industry. The back piece features the original Terminal building, styled in Art Deco, which opened in 1928. The current terminal building, the control tower and the arrival and departure entrances, all new in 1961, are shown as well Overhead soars a passenger plane. Shuttles lifting off on each side represent contributions made by Tulsans to the space program. Later that year it was renovated for pedestrian, bicycle and fishing use as part of the urban renewal projects proposed to commemorate Tulsa's 75th anniversary. The back piece shows the bridge and covered overlook above the Arkansas low-water dam and tiered Blair fountain. In front, the Ford tri-motor plane represents the first passenger service available here during the 1920's.